OnLive Pledges Allegiance to Google TV

OnLive Viewer out now, gaming coming soon.

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OnLive Pledges Allegiance to Google TV
OnLive's come out of its 'Windows on iPad' hangover and put its attention back on games, as it launched the OnLive Viewer for Google TV devices yesterday. Full gaming support will come later in the year.

The OnLive Viewer allows users to watch other people play their games. Doesn't sound amazing, but when you include the option to interact with those fellow gamers through the service's integrated social networking features, it becomes something of an absorbing experience.

Google TV, a platform designed by the search engine giant to compete with the Apple TV, comes in many different forms - set top boxes, integrated TVs and Blu-ray players and even media streamers. OnLive says that its service will work on every single one of these devices. They will also support the OnLive Wireless Controller.

Now all we need is for OnLive to sort out a deal with Apple for a gaming app on Apple TV. That'll happen soon, right..?


Hdfxr69 13 Jan 2012 13:31
An apple TV in 2012...?
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