SoulCalibur V Trailer Goes A Bit He-Man

Go Nightmare, you utter beast!

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SoulCalibur V Trailer Goes A Bit He-Man
Namco Bandai has released a new teaser trailer for SoulCalibur V. Did you know that fighting games have storylines? Neither did I. This video reminds you that they do, and that SoulCalibur's is a bit interesting and that. It features swords.

You can watch the whole thing unfold in the video player below, but essentially what you're watching is an epic crossing of blades between Nightmare and his (formerly) better half, Siegfried. There are explosions and He-Man poses all over the place. It's brilliant.

Then it reminds you that the actual game takes place 17 years after that moment. Balls. Never mind, eh? At least it's set a precedence for epic battles. SoulCalibur V comes to PS3 and Xbox 360 in February.



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