Gumball 3000 Spawns Outrun Update

UK-based SCi has released the first images from its in-development racer, based upon the infamous Gumball 3000 road race.

Posted by Staff
Usually taking place across almost the whole of Europe and Russia, it’s an excuse for a whole load of rich kids to race expensive cars on the streets, in violation of almost all traffic rules.

Next year’s race will take place in the USA, between New York and Los Angeles and SCi, never shy of buying up the odd license here and there, has bought the game rights from the event organisers.

Best described as an Outrun update, Gumball will be a checkpoint-based racer set across the many varied environments of a coast-to-coast American road trip. There will be 14 stages to race and over 20 cars available for your high-octane enjoyment.

In development for the PlayStation 2, SCi estimates that Gumball 3000 (working title) will be on sale in June 2002 in the UK.


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