Video: New Doctor Who Games Hitting PS3, PC & Vita

BBC Worldwide uses Who to strengthen push into gaming

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Video: New Doctor Who Games Hitting PS3, PC & Vita
The Beeb's commercial arm, BBC Worldwide, has let out details of a series of new Doctor Who games bound for the PS3, PlayStation Vita and PC. The game's slated for release in early 2012.

Dubbed The Eternity Clock, the first game (and, you'd presume, the two follow-ups that are planned) will feature voice talent and motion capture from current Doctor Matt Smith and his kind-of sort-of wife, Alex Kingston (River Song).

Supermassive Games, which has previously worked on level kits for LittleBigPlanet as well as PlayStation exclusive titles Tumble and Start the Party, will develop the title. Move has been a big part of its previous efforts, so don't be surprised if the peripheral plays a part in The Eternity Clock. We're thinking sonic screwdrivers...

The Guardian quotes BBC Worldwide as saying it's 'investigating' release on other platforms such as the Xbox 360.

According to the blurb, gamers "must learn to master the complexities of time travel with exceptional time based game play, changes made in one time will impact another creating multiple possibilities and challenging players to solve puzzles across the centuries."

The story has been written in conjunction with the BBC Wales team that handles the TV show, but specific writers have not been named.

In recent years we've had a duo of Doctor Who console games for the Wii and DS, but the Beeb flags this new trilogy as "a significant movement into gaming for this business". It seems the company's Digital Entertainment and Games arm is looking to make a bigger splash. Makes you wonder if we might start seeing more BBC properties making the leap...

BBC Wales, working separately to BBC Worldwide, has also released the free-to-play Doctor Who: The Adventure Games.

As you've probably noticed, there's a teaser trailer below:


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