UMD Passport Service Offers 262 Games for Vita Owners

Major publishers absent.

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UMD Passport Service Offers 262 Games for Vita Owners
Sony has published a list of PSP games that will be compatible with the upcoming UMD Passport service, that allows ownership of games to be transferred to the PlayStation Network for use on a PlayStation Vita. 262 of the 606 PSP games available on the Japanese PSN Store will initially be supported.

It's a good chunk of games, ranging from SCE-published titles like Patapon, Loco Roco and God of War to third party releases such as the Dynasty Warriors series, Disgaea and Dead or Alive Paradise. However, Square Enix, Namco Bandai, Konami and Capcom are curiously absent. Maybe they'll jump in later.

The service will start up on 6th December, ahead of the Vita's Japanese launch on the 17th. It works by downloading and running some special software from the PlayStation Network, plopping a UMD game into your PSP and syncing that title to your PSN account.

Click here for the full list.

Via Siliconera


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