Irish President Takes a Swipe at Video Games

President Michael D Higgins has a gentle prod at gaming

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Irish President Takes a Swipe at Video Games
The Irish President Michael D Higgins took a swing - well, a gentle prod as he is a rather ancient old gentleman - at video games yesterday.

“It is possible to form the impression that many of today’s children no longer fully appreciate the joy of taking refuge in their own imaginations, preferring to spend their time on computer games, or watching digital television or playing with pre-programmed electronic toys."

Not quite Keith Vaz but surely enough to outrage many people.

Source: Irishexaminer


Max Firestorm 25 Nov 2011 11:52
Sure, because it's not like I use my imagination when I build a huge fortress in Minecraft.

Oh wait, yes I do.
ghoti 25 Nov 2011 11:59
These kind of idiots will gradually die out. That's at least one positive aspect of the passage of time.
Marcus 25 Nov 2011 15:36
Another proof that most politicians, especially these in the highest positions are simply too old to even have a clue of what is going on in today's world. Some of them even past the usual retirement age, so why not do what the rest does....retire and make room for the next generation?
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