Best Buy Shuts Up Shop in UK

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Best Buy Shuts Up Shop in UK
UK seekers of PS3s, Wiis, Xbox 360s and glorious gaming goodies what follows could be a bad thing or a good thing: Carphone Warehouse is to close eleven branches of Best Buy in the UK.

On the downside, this means lack of choice. On the upside it probably means a sale!

According to The Independent, "Carphone is scheduled to announce its interim management statement on Tuesday but could bring it forward to today after the news emerged at the weekend.

"BestBuy Europe is an equal joint venture between Carphone and US electrical giant Best Buy. Initially, the companies planned to open 200 stores across Europe by 2013."

A spokesman for Carphone Warehouse commented, "We always said we would open 11 stores and then conduct a strategy review. We are now conducting our evaluation with our partners and will provide an update in due course."

Whichever way you look at it, however, it will be a disaster for the 1,100 staff who work there.

Source: Independent.


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