GameCube sales figures begin to shape up

Experts place estimates on success

Posted by Staff
We have received word on the success levels of GameCube in the USA and Japan, days after the machine completed its NTSC roll-out. Nintendo had managed to shift 510,000 hardware units in Japan by the beginning of October. A respectable figure, but one that falls somewhat short of Sony’s success for the same period after launch.

It is estimated that Nintendo has managed to sell through 710,000 GameCube units to date in Japan, a little more than was offered to the American public on day one.

Now the problem we face is the simple fact that Nintendo is keeping mum over American launch day figures. The company has issued some bold statements to reassure the markets that all went according to plan, including saying it believed that it sold more than Microsoft’s total initial allocation of 300,000 consoles.

The upshot of all this is that every market analyst with nothing better to do, has been beavering away to work out an accurate assessment of how many GameCubes Nintendo shifted last Sunday. The all say about 310,000 which sounds as believable figure as any. So now you know.


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