GameCity6 Plans To Take Visitors To The Dark Side

Ghosts and ghouls and freaks and fools.

Posted by Staff
Charlie Higson with Team GameCity, yesterday
Charlie Higson with Team GameCity, yesterday
GameCity, the world's loveliest gaming festival, is nearly upon us once more. This year's extavaganza is the sixth time that the event takes place in Nottingham and organisers are planning on taking visitors to a dark place. No, not Beeston. Somewhere even worse.

Friday October 28th is to be renamed Fear Friday as GameCity embraces its dark side. GameCity has constantly embraced different media but the big focus has always been on the games themselves. A game challenge led by Brian Provinciano (Retro City Rampage)will invite people to fill Nottingham with ghouls and ghosts, all of which will come to life on Fear Friday.

Charlie Higson will be reading from his new book The Fear as well as presiding over the "Who's afraid of GameCity" writing competition. Meanwhile James Moran, writer of Torchwood and Doctor Who, will be holding a Q&A about his new film Cockneys v Zombies. There's also a Mr and Mrs Zombie beauty pageant for those who feel like showing off their undead makeover skills.

Other events include Hyrule taking over Nottingham on the Saturday and the GameCity Prize. GameCity6 takes place in venues around the city of Nottingham from October 26th to 29th. For more details, visit


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