Mad Gaming Gadget Does the Laundry

Get clean as long as you don't die

Posted by Staff
Mad Gaming Gadget Does the Laundry
We were going to say "Ban this sick filth" but what the hell, Lee Wei Chen - MA student from Kingston University in London has come up with a game and cabinet that does the laundry.

Yes, this piece of genius - has come up with what he called the "amusement washing machine": top half game, bottom half, washing machine.

According to Creative Boom, the MA man "has linked the circuitry of the two devices, so that the washing cycle becomes dependent on the gamer’s progress. If he or she struggles while playing the game, extra coins will be needed to complete the cycle."

It's either utterly brilliant or a plot by Electrolux to muscle in on our market.

Source: Creative Boom


Pammy 28 Sep 2011 09:45
prolly get sued by Immersion for it's wicked rumble pak
BBC LOlz 28 Sep 2011 10:52
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