Iran to Sell Video Games in Europe

Yes! You too can play Garshasp!

Posted by Staff
And Iran... Iran so far away... (sorry, sorry)
And Iran... Iran so far away... (sorry, sorry)
Where do you think of when you consider the great hubs of game development? Japan of course. The US is pretty massive too. The UK has a solid base, as does Australia... but how about Iran?

Yes, Iran. A gentleman by the name of Behrouz Minaei is the Director of Iran's National Foundation for Computer Games and he has revealed that they will soon be porting versions of ten of their titles for release in Europe and Asia. According to him, India publishers have also requested five Iranian games which will soon hit their market.

At the moment we know very little about the games bar their names. Titles like Mir Mohanna, The Heart of Simorgh and Mountaineer will be translated into a variety of European languages to maximise their potential and meet international demand. Another release, Garshasp, will be dubbed into English, Arabic, Turkish and Azeri.

It's curious. Gamers are reknowned for keeping an eye on new releases but when you think about it there's really only a small range of areas we concentrate on. These games from Iran could be terrible, sure, but they could also contain a few hidden gems. It's interesting to see smaller countries that don't have a reputation for coding make their way into the international arena. Here's hoping their games are able to cut it. Check out one of them below: Siavash from Sourena Game Studio.



socius 22 Sep 2011 04:10
terrible example of a game. garshasp is far better. and for some reason it sounds like the voice actors in this video are afghans, not persian.
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