Cerny: Single Player Experience Gone in Three Years

World becoming more connected.

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Cerny: Single Player Experience Gone in Three Years
Sony games veteran Mark Cerny has predicted that the traditional single-player experience will cease to exist in three years time, instead making way for a more network-based affair.

Speaking at a discussion panel focusing on the future of video games, Cerny - whose work includes Sonic the Hedgehog 2 on the SEGA Mega Drive, the creation of Crash Bandicoot on the PlayStation and the Spyro, Ratchet & Clank and Jak & Daxter franchises - said that "in a world with Facebook I just don't think the [single-player campaign] will last."

Referencing From Software's Demon's Souls, Cerny believes that "we're already seeing the wall starting to crumble a bit. Demon's Souls, even though on one level it's a single-player game, as you're walking through the world you're seeing the ghosts of everybody who died in that world via the internet.

"You can leave messages for them. They can leave messages for you. There's actually a boss you fight in that game which is controlled by another player. We're talking five, 10 years out. I believe three years from now, if you aren't doing that, you are being criticised in your reviews for your lack of innovation," Cerny added. He concluded in saying that a game without this kind of connectivity would be seen in three to five years as "unthinkable."

Via Eurogamer.


Daz 17 Aug 2011 11:32
gone in 3 years? I hope not
Yygkw 17 Aug 2011 13:45
I think he's right, though Id hate that to happen . Sick of shallow online multiplayer games and 3 hour long single player campaigns.
Ryan550 17 Aug 2011 16:05
Nintendo is going to be my "Noah's Ark" for gaming if this were to happen due to how single-player driven many of their franchises are... I rarely ever play any type of game online due to the lack of maturity of online gamers so I definitely don't appreciate the idea of having to rely on gamers to be the "Boss in my boss fight"

For quite some time I have been moving further and further away from gaming for reasons such as rushed and broken games (Hello Fallout New Vegas and Dragon Age 2) and how they are destroying the games I love with story DLC (no such thing as a finished product any more..)

However if this does happen... If single player games do die out to such a point where Nintendo follows the same path as the other companies that would support this then I can honestly say Goodbye to Video games and all that goes with it.
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