It's time for the entitled set of gamers to start screaming: "It's So F*cking Unfair man!" as it appears that Bethesda won't be making a demo available for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim before or even after release.
Lead producer Craig Lafferty, told Gameplanet in a video you can see below:
"For a game of this size and complexity it's really hard to do a demo that represents the game truly, and it would be a gigantic demo, so we won't be doing a demo."
Hearts, shields, dragons and horse armour are weeping openly in the streets right this moment.
Thing is, It really doesnt need one. It'll sell by the bucket load and I imagine the undecided wouldn't account for many sells.
11.11.11 can't come soon enough.
deleted14 Jul 2011 15:01
See, with this I will prolly wait ill pick it up when its a few quid cheaper, too much this year to get.
Cfan14 Jul 2011 15:14
@Sean Lowe, I know...luckily nothings on the horizon for the 3DS for me (MarioKart can keep) But there's too much coming out for 360. Skyrims going to beat out Dead Island, Rage, Dark Souls and Batman:AA.
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