Data Collected on 14,000 Word of Warcraft Players is a Commercial Dream

And games companies could benefit from the research

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Data Collected on 14,000 Word of Warcraft Players is a Commercial Dream
Researchers at North Carolina State University have accessed play and specifially badge data on 14,000 World of Warcraft players for a study that could result in more focused development of DLC and other game add-ons.

According to ScienceDaily, Brent Harrison, a Ph.D. student at NC State and co-author of the paper which describes the research said, “We are able to predict what a player in a game will do based on his or her previous behavior, with up to 80 percent accuracy.

"In a game like World of Warcraft, which is constantly developing new content, this could help guide content design decisions.”

Harrison hopes that the results of the paper could "help game designers steer players to existing content that is matched to their gameplay style."

The researchers got their researchy hands on "data from 14,000 players and the order in which they received their achievement badges. The team then acknowledged the degree to which each individual’s achievement was correlated to every other achievement."

Dr. David L. Roberts, assistant professor of computer science at NC State and co-author of the research paper sees plenty of commercial benefit, “If you want to improve it, you have to make sure players will like any changes you make. This research can help researchers get it right, because if you have a good idea of what players like, you can make informed decisions about the kind of storylines and mechanics those players would like in the future.”

Source: Science Daily


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