Canada Boasts about Poaching UK Video Game Talent

Almost thanks UK government

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Canada Boasts about Poaching UK Video Game Talent
Last month the Entertainment Software Association of Canda (ESAC) produced a report entitled, 'CANADA’S ENTERTAINMENT SOFTWARE INDUSTRY IN 2011'. It makes both impressive and depressing reading for the UK in particular.

One specific paragraph on Globalisation stands out:

"Globalization is a phenomenon that impacts almost every industry in some way, and the video game industry is no exception.

"Competition between countries (and within countries) for game-related investment is fierce: video game developers in Canada report receiving offers from foreign countries to relocate their business there, and Canada itself has been notably successful in attracting investment and skilled personnel from jurisdictions like the United Kingdom, which cancelled its plans for tax incentives for its own video game industry in June 2010."

Read the full PDF here.


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