US Supreme Court to Rule on Violent Game Sales to Kids


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US Supreme Court to Rule on Violent Game Sales to Kids
Apparently, in America it takes the Supreme Court to decide whether kids should be sold 18+ rated video games or not. That decision is due to be made today, with a ruling that will reportedly affect the industry Stateside one way or the other.

The argument in California right now is that banning the sale of violent video games to anyone under 18 actually violates First Amendment free speech rights in the country's Constitution. Justices have bickered for months that parents need help to protect children from seeing mature images in games.

If such a ban is implemented, there is concern that it could lead to some retailers refusing to stock certain games - locking adults out of their age-appropriate fun.

A decision is due to be made later today. We await with bated breath.

Source: Associated Press


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