SEGA Hack Detailed - 1.2m Customers Attacked

No Lulzsec. Encrypted passwords and more

Posted by Staff
SEGA Hack Detailed - 1.2m Customers Attacked
SEGA has issued information that details the depth of the recent hack to its systems. It makes for depressingly familiar reading.

"SEGA Europe Ltd", starts the release, "has identified that unauthorized entry was gained to the SEGA Pass system and 1,290,755 customers’ information including SEGA Pass members name, email addresses, dates of birth and encrypted passwords were obtained."

So, Lulzsec comes into the frame. But it has already stated, "@Sega - contact us. We want to help you destroy the hackers that attacked you. We love the Dreamcast, these people are going down."

For its part, SEGA has said that it expresses its, "sincerest apologies to our customers for the inconvenience and concern caused by this matter. SEGA Pass is the service used to provide information about our new products to registered members and does not hold any customer financial information."

It also details the actions it has taken, "After the unauthorized entry was identified, we immediately stopped the SEGA Pass service and took emergency action to prevent further damage. This action included immediately contacting all our registered SEGA Pass users. We are now fully investigating the cause of the incident.

"We have also examined the possibility of any other information loss from unauthorized access across our other services and can confirm there are no other verified incidents."

You can almost hear EA, Activision, THQ and Microsoft shaking in their boots.


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