EA Bucking Digital Trend - Opening EA Sports Stores

New store being built

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EA Bucking Digital Trend - Opening EA Sports Stores
Despite the video games industry heading inexorably in the direction of digital delivery, well, having a storefront is still a good way to catch passing trade. EA Sports appears to realise this and is opening a shop.

This is according to Chris Erb, VP Brand Marketing at EA Sports in a recent interview.

"As pervasive as digital is," says Mr Erb, "there’s still an offline component to acquiring new customers that remains important. Our approach is to be creative and innovative with whatever we’re doing offline, and ensure that it connects with our digital strategies.

"For example, we just started construction on our first North American EA Sports retail store, which will open this fall in the Charlotte, NC, airport.

"It is the first of what we hope to be at least three new retail stores to open in the next year, and it’s a place people will be able to interact and buy their favourite EA SPORTS games. As we look to expand the overall sports game audience, it’s important for us to create environments for people to get their hands on our products and experience how much interactive sports experiences have evolved over the past few years."

Let's hope we get one in England so the WAGs can go shopping for Ryan Giggs kits for FIFA 12.

Source: Forbes


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