E3 2011: Uncharted 3 Beta Begins End of June

Plus Subway offer.

Posted by Staff
E3 2011: Uncharted 3 Beta Begins End of June
What Just Happened: Naughty Dog has shown off a tasty new segment of its upcoming blockbuster sequel, Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception. Set on a submarine, explorer Nathan Drake is seen having to clamber across pipes and gunfight with goons as water leaks in.

After swimming through a submerged section of the sub, the player is caught by surprise by a explosion behind him as water pours in at a rapid rate. Naughty Dog revealed that a beta for the multiplayer will kick off on the 28th June, and soon Subways in the US will be running a competition where winners can get exclusive full access to the game ahead of its 1st November launch.

Svend Thinks: Uncharted is one of my favourite game series, so it's awesome to see Nathan Drake back in full swing. Waiting around corners and smacking enemies against the wall, lobbing grenades and watching a submarine capsize, seeing canisters and cars roll around and explode in the madness... there's still plenty of surprises left in the old Naughty Dog left.


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