Microsoft @ E3: Gears of War 3 Campaign Detailed

Ice-T making song for the game.

Posted by Staff
Microsoft @ E3: Gears of War 3 Campaign Detailed
What has just happened: Cliff Bleszinski and Ice-T (that's right, ICE-T) have been playing a little bit of campaign co-op on Gears of War 3. Set on board a huge steampunk-esque ship, Marcus Fenix and Delta Squad have to fight off the Leviathon, a beast that can only be described as a massive Locust version of the legendary Kraken.

Chewing the side of the boat, your first job is to pummel ammunition right into its eye to dislodge it. It only comes back more pissed however, but another assault is soon fought off by dumping a bunch of Tickers in the Leviathon's gob.

Ice-T stopped at the end of the demo to reveal that he's getting his rap band back together, Bodycount, to create a special song just for the game.

Svend thinks: Gears of War is one of those games that I just can't put down. It was great to see a piece of campaign content to salivate my tastebuds with. I can't wait to grab a Lancer and make mincemeat out of some Locust. Set pieces like the Leviathon will only serve to suck me even more to the heavy duty, addictive gameplay.


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