Hollywood courting Half-Life: Valve wants to hear from you!

Tell Valve what you think it should do with Half-Life other than complete a sequel

Posted by Staff
Hollywood courting Half-Life: Valve wants to hear from you!
Valve Development Studios, the people who brought us Half-Life, are currently being courted by a number of film making companies, all eager to buy the rights to the acclaimed shooter.

Half-Life etched its name in gaming history as soon as it was released and easily boasts the most immersive and detailed narrative in any game to date.

Valve, seemingly not sure as to whether to accept a truck full of cash for effectively doing nothing, would like to ask you, the humble games player, a question:

“Would you go see a Half-Life movie and, if so, what would you like to see in the film? (i.e. actors, storylines, etc.)”

Send your answers to: movie@valvesoftware.com


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