New Study of Video Games and Violence Needs Volunteers

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New Study of Video Games and Violence Needs Volunteers
A new "in-depth study" at the University of Leicester "will seek to shed more light on theories that correlate violent game content to aggression and such behaviour in adolescents – and assess whether there are other determining factors."

Forensic Psychology student Archibald Leung will carry out the study that "focuses on analysing how male subjects aged 16+ relate to games and what feelings they experience whilst playing."

It gets weirder, "Aiming to investigate violence, aggression and individual differences in performance in video games, Leung is particularly curious about sensational interests, which involves interests in the macabre violence, including use of guns, martial arts and the paranormal."

He states, “Video games outselling DVDs and music albums reflects the increasing importance games have in our lives. In addition, their easy accessibility to people of all ages has increased the importance of the topic of video games, violence and aggression. Especially worrying is the case for adolescents, whom are most vulnerable to such influences at their age.

“As an avid gamer myself for the past 14 years, I am curious to find out how gaming experience differs according to individual personalities and preferences.”

Dr Vincent Egan from the University of Leicester School of Psychology also comments, "Most undergraduate and postgraduate students have been playing computer games since they were children. But we know surprisingly little about the psychology of such games in terms of how the individual relates to the game itself."

Yes indeed, we do know very little.

Want to get involved?

• Places are still available for male volunteers aged 16+. The procedure will take approximately 30 minutes and will involve completing a questionnaire and playing two games. All participants are welcome to bring their friends along and will have a chance to win a £10 Amazon gift certificate.

• Once the data has been analysed a report of the findings is likely to be submitted to a psychological journal for publication. In accordance with the British Psychological Society, all personal information will be kept strictly confidential.

• To volunteer for the trial email


Cfan 19 Apr 2011 10:39
I thought this was already studied in America by the secret service, and there was no proof related to it?

I wish I had a pointless well paid job like Archibald Leung....
gingineer 19 Apr 2011 13:01
Great name.
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config 19 Apr 2011 13:14
@Cfan does anybody believe what the secret service says? Ok, maybe Mr President does, but it's not like they've got a name that fills you with trust and a warm, fluffy glow.

It's good that somebody trying do a holistic study, rather than the usual isolated games-only approach. FTR, I'm well into guns, girls, gore and, er, ghosts, and harbour barely bridled urges to eviscerate old ladies that stop dead in the flow of foot traffic.
Cfan 19 Apr 2011 14:17
@Config, totally agree with not trusting them but my point is this, a major important branch of their goverment says they couldn't find any evidence of violence caused by games. now that's a pretty big statement by a big organisation who most people (blindly)trust, but still people need to waste money looking into what we already know.

The money would be better spent on a nessy hunt.
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