UK National Videogame Archive Debate - Be There

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UK National Videogame Archive Debate - Be There
Iain Simons, GameCity Director and co-founder of the National Videogame Archive and NVA co-founder James Newman will be discussing the "current effort to support, preserve and champion the digital heritage of the interactive entertainment industry" on April 14th.

The event will be held at The National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, TW9 4DU on April 14th, from 2-3pm and is free to attend.

The press release states that, "Simons and Newman suggest that perhaps we're trying to preserve the wrong things. In the wrong way. Perhaps documenting games being played by the people that live with them and understand them is more important than preserving games, so that they might be played in some form and at some point in the future.

"Maybe, we might want to dare to consider that games might not last forever. And maybe the certain knowledge of their inevitable extinction will be the thing that focuses us on preserving and documenting what they are, what they mean, and how they are played."

So, if you're near Kew, you should definitely go.


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