Epic: We're Not Blowing Up the Gears World


Posted by Staff
Epic: We're Not Blowing Up the Gears World
Well, isn't it good to know that even though Gears of War 3 brings the Gears trilogy to an end, the franchise will go on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on; ensuring fresh ideas and creativity are injected into the games industry. At least that's what Epic's executive producer Rod Fergusson says.

He tells CVG, "We're not blowing up the world so Sera and the Gears universe will live on but for us we didn't want to betray our customers and community by having a cliff-hanger ending where you're like 'argh I just got duped, now I've gotta wait until the next game'".


He continues, "We wanted to have closure, we wanted people to have some satisfaction that they were along for this ride and they lived through a story.

"We're not going to reveal everything because we want some mystique left in our universe, but this is the Marcus Fenix story and people should feel satisfied after playing through that."

See the CVG source here... and see our Interview with Rod right here.


Bukkow 5 Apr 2011 12:26
Are you sure it's not 'cause you wanna keep lining your pockets with milk from the Gears-cow Rod?
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