“Hacktivist” group 'Anonymous' is launching a 'Cyber' war against Sony. The attack is codenamed '#OpSony' and is said to be a retaliatory attack on behalf of PS3 hackers George 'GeoHot' Hotz and Graf_Chokolo.The attack, detailed at the
Anonymous site, is part of a series of linked hack attacks known as 'Operation Payback'. This is a set of Denial of Service threats (DoS) that began as a 'defence' of Wikileaks and took out sites such as PayPal.
“Congratulations, Sony. You have now received the undivided attention of Anonymous. Your recent legal action against our fellow hackers, GeoHot and Graf_Chokolo, has not only alarmed us, it has been deemed wholly unforgivable", declaims the 'poster' on the Anon site.
Couched in equally semi-judicial, some may say pompously self-aggrandising language, comes the message that by chasing down Hotz and Graf, Sony, "has violated the privacy of thousands. The company will, in fact, “experience the wrath of Anonymous. You saw a hornet’s nest and stuck your penises in it.”
So, a move from protecting WikiLeaks from being strangled financially and therefore being made incapable to whistle blowing major political and corporate scandals to... an attack on Sony.