Pitchford: "No trick - We Believed May when we Announced Duke Nukem Forever"

Gearbox not fibbing at all

Posted by Staff
Pitchford: "No trick - We Believed May when we Announced Duke Nukem Forever"
"No trick - we believed May when we announced it," Gearbox top man Randy Pitchford has explained regarding the delayed release of Duke Nukem Forever as announced in his amusing video.

He continued, "There is always uncertainty and we use experience and trends to help us be predictive. We are not perfect when it comes to predicting uncertain outcomes, but we are perfect at being committed to our goals and working relentlessly towards them.

"I think we may have been able to force May, but we think that would've introduced risks that would not have served gamers who have waited as long as we have to finally play Duke Nukem Forever."

That's good to know then.

Via Eurogamer


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