Popish Madness as Expert Calls Video Games "The Silent Killer of Our Generation"

Cocaine kook does it again.

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Popish Madness as Expert Calls Video Games "The Silent Killer of Our Generation"
Remember expert therapist Steve Pope of video games have the same "effect on a child's brain as a line of cocaine" fame? (Story here if not). Well, he's let rip again.

He's told BBC's Radio 5 Live, "Spending two hours on a game station is equivalent to taking a line of cocaine in the high it produces in the brain", but there's more...

“It's the silent killer of our generation."

Let's repeat that...

"It's the silent killer of our generation."

He continues, "We're now onto second generation game station players who have always grown up with it. Computer game addiction can also spiral into violence as after playing violent games, they may turn their fantasy games into reality.

"It is the fastest growing addiction in the country and this is affecting young people mentally and physically."

More Popish madness at MCV.


gingineer 10 Mar 2011 13:36
wow. I've been playing games for 10 years and i haven't killed anyone... i must have something wrong with me.
I'm no expert on addition. but i just completed Assassins Creed II last night (platinum trophy as well) and I doubt i will go into some withdrawl induced fit this evening when i don't play it!! unlike if i had a line of coke every night for the last 2 months!
Cfan 10 Mar 2011 13:42
A game station . . .
So I have to stand on top of a Game station outlet for two hours to get a high?

Ohhh gawdd, I better get home to my son before that two hour limit kicks in and he turns into a raging killer...
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klatu berata nicto 10 Mar 2011 23:21
It was also revealed that most gamers (as a direct result of gaming) have the reflexes of a fighter pilot. That they have less overall stress and depression, and that it improves hand-eye coordination and problem solving abilities drastically. In short...ITS A FREAKIN WONDER DRUG! It's not cocaine, IT'S BETTER!
Captainpugwash 12 Mar 2011 15:41
Charlie Sheen was not taking cocaine, he was taking 4 lines of that addictive illicit drug COD 360 whilst he was pretending to take cocaine to hide his shameful COD 360 habit.
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