Dark Souls: Xbox Live Subs Not an Issue

Dark Souls director Hidetaka Miyazaki speaks up

Posted by Staff
Dark Souls: Xbox Live Subs Not an Issue
Dark Souls (the 'spiritual successor' to Demon's Souls) director Hidetaka Miyazaki has been speaking about how the game will be 1.5 the times to its predecessor and how subscription to Xbox Live won't impact on game play.

On the latter point, he tells 1UP, "Hmmm, this is a difficult question, and it is difficult for me to answer. However, we will make sure we create the game to be enjoyable offline as well, and so even if players can not play online, this should not be an issue."

The the first issue he points out rather cryptically, "For simplicity of explanation, as compared to Demon's Souls, the map will be approximately 1.5 times the size. It may feel even bigger to the players."

Or it may not...


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