Gearbox: Gears, CoD, Halo are "Shades of Brown"

All the competitors are living in Brown Town.

Posted by Staff
Gearbox: Gears, CoD, Halo are "Shades of Brown"
It's been in development for over a decade, and now - finally - Duke Nukem Forever is going to be released this May. But the Duke's been a away a long time - is he still relevant in today's world of Call of Duty and Gears of War? Gearbox's Vice President of Marketing, Steve Gibson, believes that this is actually "the perfect time to release Duke Nukem Forever."

"If you look at what the leading games are - Gears of War, Call of Duty, Halo - they’re just… I dunno… shades of brown, I guess you could say," Gibson told SPOnG in an exclusive interview to be published later today.

Referencing the technical competency of Duke Nukem 3D against its competitors, Gibson noted, "Quake was technologically superior in just about every way to Duke Nukem 3D. What separated Duke Nukem wasn’t dynamic lighting or true 3D or anything like that - it was character, personality and interactivity.

"And what’s funny is that sort of thing became popular for a while in the industry, but for some reason the industry as a whole - the way we see it - has become a bit more homogenised lately. Gears of War, Halo and Call of Duty] just don’t have that overt, crazy character in them. We feel like the character is missing from our industry."

The ass-kicking, bubblegum-chewing hardnut's charisma is so great that Gibson believes that the brand will be a higher priority purchase than its modern-day peers. "We think that if you like Call of Duty, Halo, Gears and Duke Nukem, one of those other three games - that are more similar to each other - are probably going to get knocked out.

"If a gamer wants diversity in his gameplay, Duke’s gonna be a part of that choice. So we think it’s a perfect time for Duke."


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