Zynga Hacker Faces Jail for 400 Billion Chip Theft

Billions of poker chips make less than £100,000

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Zynga Hacker Faces Jail for 400 Billion Chip Theft
Hacker and virtual poker chip launderer, Ashley Mitchell, is facing jailtime for attempting to sell billions (yes, BILLIONS) of online gambling tokens belonging to Farmville creator Zynga.

The Beeb states that, "The billions of poker chips had a face value of $12m (£7.4m) but Mr Mitchell realised only £53,000 from sales before he was apprehended."

Mitchell spent his time between June and September 2009 stealing and then attempting to sell 400 Billiom chips at £430 "per billion" according to Aunty.

Judge Philip Wassall is trying the case in Exeter Crown Court under the Computer Misuse Act and the Proceeds from Crime Acts.



deleted 7 Feb 2011 15:35
Bet this guy was the fecker who had my facebook and paypal accounts locked down for weeks!!! someone trying to buy chips with my account!!!!!
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