Ninja Theory Calls PSP2 Hardcore

Sees portable as catering for dedicated market

Posted by Staff
Ninja Theory Calls PSP2 Hardcore
The developer of titles Heavenly Sword and Enslaved, Ninja Theory, has shown its excitement for the NGP's high end capabilities, adding that it sees the device as a "clear shot at the hardcore".

The developer of the upcoming Devil May Cry reboot, DmC, has expressed its excitement at getting its hands on the portable device together with the decision by Sony to have the NGP use twin thumbsticks. Co-founder and technical chief of Ninja Theory, Mike Ball, explained that:

"I'm certainly excited by NGP as a platform because it's a clear shot at the hardcore market with high end capabilities and decent control input systems."

"With that configuration they can build on the user base of 360 and PS3 players who might consider a current PSP game to be an inferior experience. Also, whilst I absolutely adore my iPhone, gaming on it is rather like snacking on a pack of crisps, I'm hoping that the NGP will provide the full pie 'n' chips."

Quizzed as to what price the NGP will retail for at launch, Ball replied that he is keeping his "fingers crossed for something in the £200 - £300 range".

At least one member of developer Ninja Theory is hyped over the new portable offering for the market by Sony. Are you hyped about the NGP too? Any thoughts, feel free to post them in the Comments section below.

Source: CVG


JoesoMelono 1 Feb 2011 16:31
I just hope they get the D-pad right, the very first PSP's D-pad was crap for street fighter, or just pressing diagonals in general.
Nematode 2 Feb 2011 17:24
real concerned about those sticks. theyre begging to get snagged as the unit gets shoved into backs, pockets, etc. plus ps3 sticks on both my pads wore out after a year. i guess buying new sticks for a ngpsp2 would cost a bit more than a new pad.
Yorgo 9 Feb 2011 13:05
499 Euros that's what the psp2 is going to cost
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