Bulletstorm Demo is at Least 50% Awesome

Crysis 2 demo is also live

Posted by Staff
The demos for Bulletstorm and Crysis 2, two of EA's biggest upcoming titles, are now live and ready for download on the Xbox 360 dashboard.

PS3 owners will be able to get the Bulletstorm demo tomorrow, though the Crysis 2 demo, which shows off the game's multiplayer aspect, is Xbox 360-exclusive.

Mark SPOnG's played through the Bulletstorm demo and now appears to be trying to kick things into slow motion. It's not going well. The inane grin on his face does suggest that he enjoyed killing his way through the tipped-over building that makes up the demo's chunk of campaign, though.

For more on Bulletstorm, see SPOnG's recent interview. If you want to queue the Crysis 2 and Bulletstorm demos from the machine you're looking at right now, head this way and this way.


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