PSP2 is PS3 Powerful Says Gaming Heavyweight

It's PS3 in its power

Posted by Staff
Rod does Blue Steel!
Rod does Blue Steel!
A heavyweight in the gaming industry has reinforced claims that the PSP2 will be as powerful as Sony's current home console, the PS3.

Rod Cousens, Codemasters CEO said of the handheld: "You're going to have statements, which are already out in the press, saying PlayStation Portable 2 is as powerful as the PS3 - which is true."

He added that consumers can expect to see mobile devices that will rival the power of modern-day notebooks, forecasting their growth as ever increasing.

The PSP2 is expected to receive a formal announcement from Sony HQ on Thursday morning this week. Be sure to check SPOnG for details on the PSP2 soon.

Source: MCV


PaulRayment 25 Jan 2011 10:31
Well that's nice and all but since when has power been a good thing for a handheld. The Game Gear, the Lynx, the PC Engine GT. All powerful handhelds but all either ate batteries for fun, had s**t games, a horrible form factor or a low installer base.
Ares 25 Jan 2011 14:02
LOL hows that emotion engine working out for you SONY. LIES ALL LIES. Fool me once and kill off the Dreamcast with lies. Im getting a 3DS
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