Social Gaming set to Bust a Billion Bucks in 2011

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Social Gaming set to Bust a Billion Bucks in 2011
According to a report from research group eMarketer, the 'social gaming' market is going to crack through the $1billion revenue mark... soon. That's soon as in 2011.

The report states that this would be a 28% increase over last year's $856 million figure.

Reuters states that, "Nearly 62 million Internet users in the U.S. -- or 27% of web surfers -- are expected to play at least one game on a social network per month in 2011, up from 53 million last year.

Revenue from virtual goods will continue to bring in the biggest share of dollars this year and next. And marketers are expected to spend $192 million to advertise on social networking games, up 60% from last year."

Via Reuters


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