Capcom Accused of 'Splosion Man iPhone Plagiarism

Things are blowing up.

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Capcom Accused of 'Splosion Man iPhone Plagiarism
XBLA developer Twisted Pixel has blasted Capcom for the release of iPhone game MaXplosion - a title which bears an uncanny resemblance to the indie studio's hugely successful 'Splosion Man.

'Splosion Man was released on XBLA in July 2009 and was highlighted by Microsoft as a featured title on the platform. Today it still sells well on the Xbox Live Marketplace. MaXplosion - developed by Capcom's Mobile division - sells for just 59p on the iOS App Store and features an almost identical style of nitro-platforming action.

Naturally, Twisted Pixel is calling it plagiarism. "MaXplosion gameplay video makes me sad," wrote programmer Mike Henry on Twitter. "If you're going to outright steal a game, you should at least understand what makes it fun... that game is a complete theft."

Co-founder Michael Wilford also expressed disdain, adding that the studio actually pitched 'Splosion Man to Capcom in the past but the Japanese publisher turned it down. "Pisses me off. Guess we're just gonna have to make a better iPhone game than them. Shouldn't be hard," he tweeted.

What do you think? Here's a video of MaXplosion in action:

Via GI


Ryan550 12 Jan 2011 18:25
Capcom has no shame at all... To turn down the game and then realise "oh that was actually a mistake... so lets take that game and change tiny aspects of the game (title included) to try and justify it" is an absolute joke..

Capcom lost my respect when they ported Resident evil 2, 3 and CV on the gamecube without even the smallest facelift on any of them after REmake blew their fans away...
Yes one could say "well they didnt SAY they were going to give them a face lift" but lets face it... No one expected direct ports because of how old and aged they had become especially after REmake but honestly thats capcom for you..
"every company wants your money" is a true phrase but this is one hell of a poker face to have when you slap your fans in the face like that and then rip off a videogame that they once turned down.

Capcom had their chance and they lost it by turning it down... If they really want a very solid and fun platformer then they should damn well come up with it by themselves...

DoctorDee 14 Jan 2011 07:25
When I first read this, I was all "what about every other game that has had some version of Explosion in its title" I naively imagined we'd had games called:

"Bomberman Explosion" (self-evident)

"Blaxplosion" (a sequel to the 2006 Criterion shooter??)

"Sexplosion" (A PC only dressing up game for swingers) and

"Maxplosion" (The fourth Max Payne game???)

"Indexplosion" (A dewey-decimal simulator for budding librarians)

"Ibexplosion" (A TNT based big game hunting game).

But NO! There has never been a home console game with Explosion (or any variation thereof) in the title.

Capcom should be ashamed of their plagiaristic selves!!!
Ryan550 14 Jan 2011 18:32

Your talking about the title alone? watch the video that is presented on this page because I dont know how you could of watched that video and thought "so they only copied the title?"

This is a low-budget version of splosion man with what looks to be a similar jump to an old sonic game put out at a low price.

the majority see it (as do i) and is the reason why capcom said they wish to rebuild the trust of their fans is because dispite weather capcom "cares" or not.. they still realise that the majority of gamers caught on (and quite easily) to the rip-off and yes capcom did say that the idea to create the game didnt come from "the meeting that took place" but it did come after...

Or it could be a big marketing ploy that twistedpixel fell right into by speaking out and therefor "advertising" it.. but make no mistake.... this game may be a low budget game with the addition of a sonic-style jump but its concept was ripped right from twisted pixel's splosion man.

If you agree to disagree that is fine but if you wish to continue from where you left off I would like to hear your thoughts on the video when you watch it.
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