Amazon launching Android App Store

Getting in on the action

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Amazon launching Android App Store
Amazon is the latest retailer to launch its own take on the download store for Android devices, akin to Google's own Android Market.

Named the Amazon Appstore, the app may be familiar to those used to using the iPhone App Store. Game and app submissions will be approved by Amazon individually, compared with Google Market's more free-to-access version.

The online retailer also hopes to decide the price of apps itself, making adjustments from time to time, providing discounts during sale events and occasionally offering them for free.

The Appstore is currently free of charge for users to download, due for release at an unspecified date this year and currently has a developer portal e available for access. Access to the app is free but an annual fee of $99 will eventually be brought into place.

Are you interested in Amazon new app. store rival to those of Apple and Google? And will you give it a try if you own and Android handset? Any thoughts, feel free to post them in the Comments section below.

Source: Gamesindustrybiz


Al 7 Jan 2011 11:28
I operate popular website [url=] and we are definitely looking at getting into this market
Al 7 Jan 2011 11:31
I operate popular website and we are definitely looking at getting into this market.

What is also interesting is that Apple has just opened the Mac App STore so 2011 is definitely going to be an interesting year for apps all round.
DoctorDee 10 Jan 2011 07:16
Hold on. I'm not sure what I am reading here.. when it says:

"Access to the app is free but an annual fee of $99 will eventually be brought into place."

Are you saying that I am going to have to pay them $99 year for the privilege of buying apps from Amazon. Shome mishtake surely.
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