Kinect Company Brings Body Control to PCs

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Kinect Company Brings Body Control to PCs
The company behind Microsoft's Kinect has teamed up with Asus to introduce a similar motion-sensing camera device for PC users.

Now you can have body-waggling in front of your computer monitor with the WAVI Xtion from PrimeSense Interactive Natural Interaction. The name might not be as snappy, but it functions in the same way, allowing users to control elements of an application using gesture and voice.

Asus and PrimeSense said that the partnership is an initiative to "extend PC use to the living room," notably via the power of social networking, multimedia and gesture-based games.

General manager for Asus, Kent Chien, saw the dollar signs in Kinect'ing the PC industry. "Natural Interaction's appeal to consumers means more monetization opportunities based on personalisation, various branding and advertising programs inside applications," he said.

The PC has the benefit of open-source programming and homebrew applications from the outset - we could soon start to see indie games and free online Flash programs take advantage of the device. Zynga might even introduce 'Armville' to Facebook (oh, we are funny).


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