Kim Jong-Il's Son More Interested in Games than Government

Leaked cable shows middle son deemed unsuitable to rule due to gaming interest

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Kim Jong-Il's Son More Interested in Games than Government
Video games are unproductive. They get in the way of you doing real stuff. Stuff like becoming the dictator of a Stalinist state. Such is the fate of Kim Jong-chol, second son of North Korea's current leader, Kim Jong-Il, according to one of the cables published by Wikileaks.

According to a report sent by a member of the U.S. consulate in Shanghai, KJC is "more interested in video games" than governing.

The version of the cable made available reads like this: "¶8. (C) There is consensus among xxxxx that, at least for the moment, none of KJI's three sons is likely to be tapped to succeed him. xxxxx considers the two youngest sons, Kim Jong-chol and Kim Jong-un, far too inexperienced and incapable of effective governance. xxxxx, observing that KJI's oldest son, Kim Jong-nam, is "too much of a playboy," Kim Jong-chol is "more interested in video games" than governing, and Kim Jong-un is simply too young. Additionally, KJI had been groomed for many years to replace his father and former North Korean leader Kim Il-Sung before the latter passed away. In contrast, xxxxx, none of the sons has received similar preparatory treatment."

This was sent, however, back in September 2008. Since then it appears that, youth be damned, the youngest son, Kim Jong-un, has been named the next ruler of North Korea. Never mind that KJC might have been learning the business of dictatorship from Tropico 3, youth is apparently less of a handicap to ruling than an interest in games.

(Via Kotaku)


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