Japanese Mobile Games Operator Accused of Antitrust Violations

Mobagetown owner sent business threats to 100 companies.

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Japanese Mobile Games Operator Accused of Antitrust Violations
Marketshare is important in Japan. But just how much, exactly? Mobile gaming operator DeNA is finding out that it's probably not worth breaking the law over, as it is being investigated under suspicion of violating anti-trust laws.

The Japanese Fair Trade Commission had reason to believe that DeNA's gaming portal, Mobagetown, was threatening to cut ties with game developers if they did business with rival service Gree.

According to a report in Sankei News, DeNA did follow through with this threat with one company, and allegedly made threats to 100 others.

Investigations into its Shibuya offices are apparently ongoing. If found guilty, it could be a blow to the business - Mobagetown has over 10 million users and has a partnership with Yahoo! Japan to offer its service on the search engine website as well.


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