Aussie Goverment Closer to Emerging From Game Rating Dark Ages

A few conservatives to convince.

Posted by Staff
Splatterhouse - not loved by Aussie right wingers.
Splatterhouse - not loved by Aussie right wingers.
It looks like the only thing standing between Australian gamers and the bright shining vistas of common sense rating system is a small cabal of conservative politicians.

The Sydney Morning Herald reports that, "On Sunday the federal government signalled it would push for changes to Australia's video game classification system, which would see the MA 15+ rating replaced by R 18+ as the country's most restrictive classification.

"The issue will come up for discussion at the Standing Committee of Attorneys-General (SCAG) meeting where Home Affairs Minister Brendan O'Connor needs to secure unanimous support from the states."

There is a fly in the ointment though, with a group of twelve Liberal (that's Aussie for 'conservative) and National who do not want to see a "R18+" rating taking over from the restrictive M15 rating that currently sits at the top of the ratings pile.

One MP, Frank Alban, has even stated that, "I'm in favour for more protection of children and kids but I think the borders of our morality have been extended to such an extent where we almost don't have any borders at all."

Lets' hope the move occurs and that Australia's daft rating system can no longer be used as precedent by other countries.

Source: Sydney Morning Herald


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