Ms. Splosion Man 'Sploding in late 2011 - Trailer Now

First the man, now the woman

Posted by Staff
Ms. Splosion Man 'Sploding in late 2011 - Trailer Now
The developer of XBLA title Splosion Man, Twisted Pixel, has unveiled today that it is working on a new title in the series but its not a straight up sequel. The name of the game? Ms. Splosion Man.

The CCO of developer Twisted Pixel, Josh Bear, explained that the studio could have resorted to churning out new levels for its existing title, Splosion Man, but this would not have allowed the developer to add in new gameplay puzzles or new cool character elements. This was the driving force behind creating Ms. Splosion Man rather than a direct sequel in Splosion Man 2.

The game currently has a release window of fall 2011 (Autumn to those in the UK). Looking forward to more high-splosion action, this time with a female as the main character? Feel free to post any thoughts you have on the matter down below.


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