Links Between Video Games and Violence 'Inconclusive'

Australian Government reviews existing research, finds it wanting.

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Links Between Video Games and Violence 'Inconclusive'
A recent review of research by the Australian Federal Government on existing research into whether the effects of violent video games impacts behaviour states that such research is "contested and inconclusive".

According to the Australian Capital Territory's attorney general, there is no conclusive link between violent computer games and aggression - and this backs the case to introduce an R18+ category.

Using the government review as evidence, Federal Minister for Home Affairs, Brendan O’Connor, confirmed that there is no conclusive evidence to show that such games have a greater impact (in regards to contributing to aggressive behaviour) than other types of entertainment media.

O'Connor also pointed out that, "From time to time people claim that there is a strong link between violent crime or aggressive behaviour and the popularity of violent computer games. The literature does not bear out that assertion."

According to ITwire, "The report concluded that much of the current research had shown that playing violent video games was 'a small to moderate' risk factor, at least 'in the short term'. However, it also found that there were sufficient criticisms of the current research to reduce its relevance to governments when setting policy. For starters, the research had not been granular enough."

It was also mentioned in the review that "these studies do not thoroughly explore other factors such as aggressive personality, family and peer influence, and socio-economic status."

Feel that the games community has heard this argument before? And do you think there are any authentic links between violent video games and aggressive behaviour? Any thoughts, feel free to post them in the Comments section down below.

Cabnberra Times


Joji 2 Dec 2010 11:13
Great news, and common sense prevails. Hopefully that R18 rating will be their aussie 2011 present.
DrkStr 2 Dec 2010 13:54
Why not just compare the violent crime stats against the release dates of violent video games?

Surely if there is a correlation between the two then violent crime would have spiked around or just after the launch of GTA4 or Manhunt 2 for example?

The launch of a game is such a short-term thing that it should show up above the background noise of other influences.
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