PETA Parodies Super Meat Boy, Developers Ecstatic

A personal high point for the studio, apparently.

Posted by Staff
PETA Parodies Super Meat Boy, Developers Ecstatic
Looks like the hyperactive animal protest group PETA has taken aim at Team Meat's platformer, Super Meat Boy. The activist organisation has gone out of its way to parody the game, by launching a Flash platformer of its own called Super Tofu Boy.

The game is an attempt at pushing PETA's 'eat Vegan' agenda, placing Meat Boy in the role of the original game's nemesis, Dr. Fetus. Tofu Boy must rescue Bandage Girl from the clutches of Meat Boy, who PETA describe as "a vengeful, bloody cube of rotting animal flesh."

Is Team Meat annoyed? Hardly. In a blog post, SMB co-creator Edmund McMillen said the game was "a major high point" for the studio. "Peta [sic] is 1000 times more well known then Super Meat Boy and the fact that they went out of their way to make a parody like this is beyond flattering and amazingly helpful."

McMillen admitted that he tried to stir up controversy for Super Meat Boy himself by posting under several aliases on PETA's forums. Seems to have worked. He added that in its parody, the group made "themselves look quite foolish in the process... see Meat Boy isn't made of animal meat, he's simply a boy without skin whos name is Meat Boy.. but sshh don't tell them that."

He closed with the following joke; "How many Peta members does it take to change a lightbulb?....
None, Peta can't change anything."

Meow. See the whole post by McMillen here. Your move, PETA.


SPInGSPOnG 2 Dec 2010 12:59
PETA. They had that useless c**t Tamara Ecclestone posing "nude". If that's their idea of a celebrity that should make anyone reconsider their options... bring on the mixed grill.
SPInGSPOnG 2 Dec 2010 12:59
She is NOT a cult by the way.
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