US Actor Pins Bad Films on 'video Game Generation'

Former Mr Jolie is on a downer

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US Actor Pins Bad Films on 'video Game Generation'
The American film actor and musician, Billy Bob Thornton, has laid into the quality (or lack thereof) films in Hollywood and highlights that they are being made for the "video game-playing generation".

Speaking with UK broadsheet The Telegraph and not one to mince around with his words, Thornton talked about the current state of affairs in general and said that "we’re living in a time when we’re making — in my humble opinion — the worst movies in history."

He added regarding such films that “They’re geared toward the video game-playing generation. And these video games, which I’m on my son about constantly, these games are people killing for fun, and I think traditionally in movies, there’s always been some kind of lesson in the violent movies.”

Always been a lesson? That's as general a comment to make on films as it is on the video game-playing generation. We did like you in Mr. Woodcock Mr. Thornton, so we forgive you.

Source: Telegraph


Mr. T 25 Nov 2010 21:03
This coming from a guy who provided a voice in Deadly Creatures, the concept of which revolved around betrayal between two guys, and these little bugs hunting the worst of the two for whatever reason. The guy didn't even try to kill the bugs. He just caught the tarantula to keep as a pet, so the whole self-defense thing really doesn't play out. Just violence for violence's sake. I didn't see much of a lesson in that game, aside from karma, but that doesn't really count as a moral. As far as I'm considered, he's either a hypocrite or a sellout.
DoctorDee 26 Nov 2010 06:27
What was the lesson in Schwarzenegger' Commando? One good guy can kill 400 bad guys? How did it differ from CoD?

Hollywood has always made abominable movies. It's just that they used to be interspersed with genuinely interesting and thought provoking ones. The science fiction movies of the seventies: Classics like Stepford Wives, Rollerball, made some truly subversive social points.

The reason Hollywood Movies are worse now than ever is because the studios are run by accountants focussed on shareholder value and designing movies with demographic modelling software. Gone are the auteurs, gone is the political subversion. Two perfect points of illustration are the abominable remakes of Stepford Wives and Rollerball.

Hollywood is rotten alright, but Bubba-Bob's reasoning is all f**ked up. If anything, Hollywood contributed to creating the vide game generation.
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Jamesinho 26 Nov 2010 08:06
@DoctorDee The lesson of Commando was 'Arnie's gonna kick your ass', simple, but you're entitled to "let off some steam Bennett" ;)

You are also dead right about the reason there has been a dip in quality. Over the past year, Inception has been the only "big" movie, with real actors, that is truly worth remembering.
config 26 Nov 2010 11:45
BBT is old. It's encoded in his fraying DNS that he should be hatin' on the games. That and the fact that games are eroding his industry's significance in the entertainment sector.
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