Majority of Americans Want State Controlled Video Game Sales

Although 5% think government should control gaming violence

Posted by Staff
Majority of Americans Want State Controlled Video Game Sales
Surveys are fun. A recent survey from Rasmussen Reports suggests that a majority of American adults are in favour of laws restricting sales of 'violent' videogames to minors.

Yes, 65% of people surveyed think that States should control sales. However, "just five percent (5%) say the government is the one who should be chiefly responsible for limiting the amount of sex and violence children are exposed to in video games. An overwhelming majority (71%) believes it is the parents’ responsibility, while 21% think the responsibility falls primarily on the video game makers."

Let's have a quick look at the survey wording:

1 How concerned are you about the level of violence in many video games today?
2 Do violent video games lead to more violence in our society?
3 Should states be allowed to prohibit the sale or rental of violent video games to minors?
4 Who is more responsible for limiting the amount of sex and violence children are exposed to in video games – video game makers, the government or parents?

The report states that, "Sixty-nine percent (69%) of Americans say they are at least somewhat concerned about the level of violence seen in many video games today, including 48% who are Very Concerned. But 29% say they are not concerned about the violence level, with 13% who are Not At All Concerned."

So, a majority want States to control game sales. However a tiny minority think that - we assume, although the wording doesn't state this - the Federal government should control the level of violence experienced by minors in video games.

We wonder how many people think that individual cities should have control... or even streets?

The survey of 1,000 Adults nationwide was conducted on November 8-9, 2010.

Report here.


Daz 15 Nov 2010 13:31
well, at least 71% of them used common sense, why should someone else be responsible for what your kid is exposed to? 21% need to wake up and smell the coffee
ghoti 15 Nov 2010 16:49
Does being a military industrial complex lead to more violence in our society?
irritant 15 Nov 2010 18:50

Yeah, but if only the parents themselves could use common sense. Unfortunately, there are a lot that can't which is why we end up with so many laws protecting children.
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