Castlevania: Lords of Shadow PS3 Patch Incoming

Save file corruption being fixed.

Posted by Staff
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow PS3 Patch Incoming
Konami has announced that it will be providing a patch to PlayStation 3 users of Castlevania: Lords of Shadow, after it was discovered that a bug that would corrupt game save files.

The 2010 vampire-hunting reboot only allows one save file per console, so once the game had accidentally nuked your game save, players would be out of luck without a backup, and forced to start from the very beginning.

On its official Twitter account, Konami revealed that "a patch for the PS3 save issue affecting Castlevania: Lords of Shadow is incoming." No date was announced, but it's nice to know it's happening though eh?

You can read SPOnG's review of the game right here.


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