Player Beats Demon's Souls in Under an Hour

Posted by Staff
A player of the RPG Demon's Souls has shown that even the toughest games can be bested in a short amount of time if done correctly (and attacked with terrifying obsession). The player has cleared the game in under an hour, posting videos online to prove it.

The Japanese player of the demanding RPG, who goes by the name username alternalw, has uploaded video of his efforts to Youtube. It shows him rolling or running past many of the in-game enemies. He also dispatches the game's bosses (which can't be avoided) with relative ease - no mean feat given that just about any enemy in the game can fell your character in a few hits.

The speed run is in four parts and can be seen below. Anyone have a spare lifetime to get up to this level of play?

Via Kotaku


Omac_brother 19 Oct 2010 11:20
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