Nearly 3,000 UK Stores Now on the Pre-Owned Game Gravy Train

Pre-owned presence increases in the UK

Posted by Staff
"Digital won't kill bricks'n'mortar! It just won't!!"
"Digital won't kill bricks'n'mortar! It just won't!!"
According to research carried out by MCV, almost 3,000 outlets in the UK are now offering pre-owned games to consumers, an increase of 1,000 compared to a year ago.

Newcomers to the pre-owned games market are the supermarket and retail chains Tesco, Argos and Asda, which is expanding its pre-owned games operation to 234 of its stores across the UK.

The CEO of games retailer GAME, Ian Shepherd, commented on the increased competition and said that, “Our pre-owned business goes from strength-to-strength – it’s a strong and growing part of our mix.

“No one can be bold enough to claim such a thing as 100 per cent share. Is there room for others in the market? Yes, there probably is.

“Competitors come in and only add credibility to the trade-in and pre-owned end of the business.”

Like the idea of picking up a pre-owned title with your weekly shop? And do you see it being good for the UK pre-owned games market? Any thoughts, please post them below.

Source: MCV


gingineer 7 Oct 2010 16:27
I wouldn't buy preowned from supermarkets as i think employees need a little bit of gaming knowledge to assess if what is being handed in is good quality and works and comes with all parts. i don't think the people who work in asda will have those skills.
Tone 7 Oct 2010 21:36
now that there are more sellers of second hand content, will that cause trade in prices to increase? thats all im interested in, i rarely buy second hadn but trade in all the time to get new games (then later return to old titles at lower prices) at the moment entertainment exchange offers the best prices all round (aside from sellling it yourself in most circumstances on places such as and amazon) however buying from there is a huge no no in the games department, i have bought 2 games from there, both scratched to bits and they aren't always the cheapest (pay £600 for a £500 iphone?) anyway best end my rant or i shall bore you
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