Media Molecule Blames Unconnected PS3s for LPB2 Delay

Explains all PS3s not being connected part of setback

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Media Molecule Blames Unconnected PS3s for LPB2 Delay
The head of Media Molecule, Alex Evans, has explained the cause of the delay for his studio's upcoming title LittleBigPlanet 2.

Evans explained to Made2Game's Joe Anderson that not all PS3 owners have their machines hooked up to the internet, and therefore could not receive a patches and updates.

"Like LittleBigPlanet, we will be supporting the game with patches, updates and whatever, but you have to realise right from the beginning that there are those people who don’t have online and that is why we decided it was the right decision to delay the game", explained Evans apparently with insight into the fact that every PS3 owner will be connected to the Internet next year?

Evans also added that he wants he and his team to make the finished product perfect, something that Media Molecule is proud of when the game goes on sale. He said of the delay:

“We respect people don’t have online and don’t want to patch their game to get the full experience. We could have shipped it and it would have been fine, however we realised that with just a couple of extra week’s we could make the game super amazing."

The game was originally due to ship in November this year but eager fans will have to wait until early next year to get their hands on the sequel starring Sackboy and friends. Still looking forward to the title despite the delay? Let us know in the comments below.

Source: VG247


irritant 6 Oct 2010 09:58
I really don't understand the beef that the gaming media have with delays. Predicting the lottery numbers is easier than predicting when a game will be finished. Why not just accept that if there are bugs in a game or they want to make improvement, it's better to do that than stick to an arbitrary date that they "calculated" months in advance by throwing a dart at a calendar whilst blindfolded.

I've been a project manager on several very low budget shovelware titles and even for crap like that it's impossible to work out how long it will take.
gingineer 6 Oct 2010 10:10
Makes sense. they know the user base is not online, so wont be able to receive patches. better make sure the game is 100% perfect and not like modern warefare II where there were 3-4 patches in a week
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Page 6 Oct 2010 10:22
I agree with irritant, but "... those people who don’t have online and that is why we decided it was the right decision to delay the game" is top ten gaming industry BS...
ghoti 6 Oct 2010 11:53
Good call.
headcasephil 6 Oct 2010 16:10
i wish all game comanys were like this i still mis the good all days of the gens before were you would buy a game and it was 100% sorted and it was only the crud games that had bad things this is all so the reson that it dont bother me that i have to wait 4 years till i can play gt5 as i no that it will be a complete game with no bugs (well lets just hope theres no bugs lol )
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