Blame it on the Cash In: Michael Jackson Gets MMO

Free to play, microtransactions, charity element.

Posted by Staff
Blame it  on the Cash In: Michael Jackson Gets MMO
Ever wanted to be in Michael Jackson's world? Well, the Estate of the late pop superstar has granted SEE Entertainment the rights to build an MMO dedicated to his career and philanthropy. It's called Planet Michael. Kids, you can start screaming now.

With a theme of global friendship, unity, music, dance and charitable causes, players will be exploring the many 'continents' of Michael Jackson in this game. Each 'country' and area is focused on a particular aspect of the pop star's life, and there will be collaborative in-game activities for friends and befriends to get involved in.

Planet Michael will be a free-to-download game that won't require a subscription, but rather will support itself with micro-transactions. In-game currency (JackCents? Dirty Diana Dollars?) will be used to "take on dozens of different occupations" and contribute to "a charitable cause" at the same time - so it appears there's something of a philanthropic edge to this project.

The CEO of SEE Virtual Worlds, Martin Biallas said that “in building a space worthy of those global connections, we envisioned a magical, enjoyable place that will capture that zest for fun and life that was at Michael’s very core. Throughout his extensive career, the King of Pop was well-known for his visionary contributions to music, dance, fashion, entertainment and philanthropy, and it was critical that we somehow incorporate all of those elements into the game.”

We wonder if there will be any continents designed in the same vein as the Leave Me Alone music video. That would be pretty cool. Any other ideas for MJ-countries? Give us a yell in the comments box below.


Cfan 21 Sep 2010 11:18
Does charitable causes include paying someone off outside of court?
nygfan 21 Sep 2010 11:47
@Cfan thats stupid
more comments below our sponsor's message
DrkStr 21 Sep 2010 12:26
I'm beginning to think the doctor was employed by the "Estate" of MJ to kill him off. There seems to be a huge amount of merchandising going on after the pedo was killed off. Maybe he was blocking it when he was still alive?
biggles 21 Sep 2010 12:37
actually MJ didn't personally pay them off. He was in the middle of his 'Dangerous' tour when the allegation was made against him. His insurance company paid them off because they where loosing money on the tour and MJ was sick at the time (on drugs).
Im not saying MJ is innocent, but let's get the facts straight. He never paid anyone off out of his own pocket and he won the 2005 case.
travis 21 Sep 2010 12:44
@DrkStr please grow up. I'm really amazed by the immaturity of you online gamers. Michael Jackson is a legend, and was a great human being. Please do some research and you'll see MJ never touched a soul.
Cfan 21 Sep 2010 13:29
I love rabid MJ fans, they go hand in hand with Christians :)
photozrus 21 Sep 2010 17:04
He who cast the first stone.... What have any of you non MJ fans done?Keep playing silly hate games so the rest of us can save your sorry asses.
"Theres nothing that can't be done if we raise our voice as one." Michael Jackson
photozrus 21 Sep 2010 17:12
He who cast the first stone.... Didn't your mother teach you anything? Were you raised as wolves? What have any of you non MJ fans done? MJ left 20% of his estate to charity.For eternity. Keep playing silly hate games so the rest of us can save your sorry asses.
"Theres nothing that can't be done if we raise our voice as one." Michael Jackson
WiseUp 21 Sep 2010 17:25
photozrus wrote:
"Theres nothing that can't be done if we raise our voice as one." Michael Jackson

Woah! The man-child sounds like a damned Communist to me! And 20%, blimey. Makes Bill Gates looks like a freaking angel!

pat 21 Sep 2010 17:37
MJ is legened, this si a cool ide.

there should be a

-neverland (of course)
-thriller land
-alphabet land( Jackson )
-Dangrous city

and that's all i can think of at the moment lol
DoctorDee 22 Sep 2010 05:13
biggles wrote:
he won the 2005 case.

Just like OJ won the 1995 case. All this proves is that if you are rich and famous in the United States, the law does not apply to you.
Brag Pitt 22 Sep 2010 08:43
or you case is handled by idiot cops
Cfan 22 Sep 2010 14:42
And if by magic they appear>>>photozrus.

Just wondering if there's a king sized bed in the game which you can sleep with other peoples children in it, nothing wrong with that now is there?
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